We’re (Almost) Back!, News, 2021 - 2022 U18 (Midget), 2021 - 2022 (Coronation Minor Hockey)


This League is part of the 2021 - 2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 23, 2022 | Lane Dunlop | 774 views
We’re (Almost) Back!
Hello U18 hockey families.We have all been through a lot in 2022, let alone the past two years. Online school, in-person school, then snow days, and in-person school again. Now it’s time to have a little fun and get back on the ice!

While the details are being worked out, we want to let you know that we’ll be playing hockey again as of Monday, January 31. 
All the pre-shutdown COVID-19 regulations remain in effect. 
  • Everyone, including players will need to show their enhanced vaccine document. It must have the enhanced QR code on it or it will be considered invalid. 
  • Everyone will need to show ID. Even a photo of your ID is good if you don’t want to keep digging into your wallet. 
  • Anyone entering the arena must wear a mask at all times, including players until they leave the dressing room to go on the ice.
  • We are expecting rink spectator capacity to be reduced to 50% until further notice. We ask that only one spectator per player come to the rink, especially for Coronation games. While this isn’t the easiest rule to enforce, if the city starts counting people entering the arena they could refuse entry to anyone once we hit our limit, so be considerate of others!
  • If you aren’t feeling well, you know the drill by now, do not come to the rink. You do not want to be the one to get everyone sick. And it’s not just your teammates you’ll pass COVID-19 onto, it’s everyone in their house, extended family, and anyone they come into contact with. So when in doubt, stay home. Please.
Picking up where we left off, we’re all back in action on Monday. While you can find all the U18 info, including the schedule, on the website (https://coronationhockey.com/Leagues/1253/), this is our schedule for the first week.
Monday, January 31 
9:00pm - Stars vs Canadiens @ Coronation
9:30pm - Kraken vs Flyers @ Chedoke
Wednesday, February 2
9:00pm - Kraken vs Sabres @ Coronation
Sunday, February 6
6:30pm - Kraken vs Canadiens @ Chedoke
7:30pm - Stars vs Flyers @ Chedoke
If you get a chance, join the fun and get an outdoor skate in at the great rinks in Churchill or head on down to Princess Point.
Thanks for your patience. It will be great to see everyone again.